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Kaitlyn Leeb is an graduate of the North York Board of Education. She has also been to York University to study Psychology. Her net worth is around 2 million U.S. dollar and she earns money through the performing arts, brand partnerships and endorsements. Kaitlyns annual earnings average between $30000 and $42000 U.S. Dollars. Kaitlyn worked in print media prior to her start in acting. She worked for popular brands such as Virgin Mobile Dentyne Ice RBC, and fruit drinks company FUZE. Following her win in the Miss Chin Bikini contest in the year 2011, Kaitlyn received many offers from Hollywood to be in films. In 2011, she was cast as the character in a film called Wrong Turn 4. This film earned her a huge following. Instagram Journey - Kaitlyn's Instagram has more than 75k followers where she uploads her images and films. she was first created on an Instagram account on August 7, 2012. Kaitlyn Leeb Family Ted Leeb was Kaitlyn Leebs first husband. They have two daughters: Avery Jane Leeb (5th August 2016) and Presley Leeb (2020).

Kayla Maisonet was born in New York. She's known in the United States for playing Georgie Diaz in the Disney television sitcom Stuck in the Middle. When she was in Los Angeles, she pursued the profession of actor following her move from New York to Los Angeles from New York with her parents. Television was her favorite subject in childhood and her desire to become an actor were two of the primary forces behind her decision. She watched many Disney Channel series and eventually decided to pursue acting as an actor. She was a student when she started her career in acting and kept it up throughout her life. Her name was soon recognized for her performances in Los Angeles for her Off-Broadway performances. Her first appearance on a major stage was in the Disney series Dog with a Blog (2012) where she played the role of. The Haunted Hathaways followed. In 2016, she landed the role that defined her career Georgie Diaz in the Disney Sitcom Stuck in the Middle. Kayla as well as the show were both huge successes. Kayla was awarded a Young Artist Award for her part in the show as Dog with a Blog.

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